Sunday, April 26, 2015

Paxatawney Phil vs. Pavlov’s Dog

Paxatawney Phil vs. Pavlov’s Dog
Or….10 things I hate about Presidential Politics…

10.  Bush v. Clinton
            A Bush or Clinton has been running for national office since 1980.  35 years.  Every time I have been eligible to vote for president, a Bush or Clinton on the ticket. 
The Bushes are 3 wins  2 losses when running for President where the Clintons are 2 and 1.  This is more interminable than a 7 game series in the NBA playoffs or Major Leagues.  There are a lot of good American families out there.  Why aren’t they participating?

9.   White Water,  Benghazi, email, foundation contributions from foreigners, whatever…
Every time a Clinton arrives on the scene somebody has to make up or decry scandal.  Invariably the taxpayers pay, to the tune of millions of dollars, for a plethora of committee investigations, special investigators and nauseating testimony.  The result is always the same.  No fault is found, the Clinton’s become more popular, and more times than not they win.

8 . The Pavlovian press…
            When political arch enemies mention said scandals, the national press dives in and gossip like Southern Bells at a Bloody Mary breakfast.  They are just about as articulate.

7.  Tell All Best Sellers about the opposition as Anti-Christ…
            Please stop buying these books.  At some point we have to see that numbers 8 and 9 on this list have become cottage industries.  People on the far end of both sides eat this stuff up.  The writers then literally laugh all the way to the bank.  Somebody please tell these folk that the author’s picture on the back sleeve doesn’t help sales.

6.  Woodward and Bernstein lucked into Watergate…
            Watch the movie or read the book, unless a sports writer from the Chattanooga Times-News Free Press happens upon Bill Clinton’s jump drive at a baseball card convention, no other  “…Gate” will bring down the government and make the press look good again.

5. Citizens United…
            I know, the Supreme Court is bought and sold.  However, in history the wealthy almost always win until they die like the rest of us.

4.  Red States v. Blue States…
            Show me an emerald green state and I am there…

3.  Newt Gingrich…Really?
            The absolute poster boy for hypocrisy and political prostitution.  He’s been in this mess as long the Bushes and the Clintons.  If I hear this historical, or is that hysterical, blasphemer blowhard abuse Constitutional history one more time I will truly barf.

2.  Koch Brothers are taking over the world…
            Nixon was kicked out of office for misusing a few million bucks and covering up a robbery.  The Koch Brothers are bragging that they are going to buy off every Republican in the Presidential primary to the tune of 900 million dollars.  Millhouose obviously suffered from bad timing. How do you get so rich with these types of investments? I get it.  They like the Daily Show and act to insure that Jonathan Stewart has plenty of material.

1.     Paxatawney Phil vs. Pavlov’s Dog…
           Every day, from here to November 2016, it’s the same thing.  The TV, computer or portable device comes on and we salivate for more of this stuff.  We complain, deride and beg it to stop, but we can’t help ourselves.   Don’t pretend that your Netflix habit gets you away from the commercials approved by every candidate, because Facebook, Twitter et. al. keep us reading or listening to Robert Reich, Rush Limbaugh or whomever.  Samuel Clemmens and Will Rogers are rolling over in their graves, not because this is so repulsive, but due to the fact that they missed the fun. We should at least be able to stop buying the best sellers.  Please!!!!

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